Gokmen Tanis - Utrecht Shooting Netherlands

Gokmen Tanis Biography Utrecht Shooting NetherlandsUtrecht police have released photos of shooters at the Utrecht tram station and near the Utrecht square in the Netherlands on Monday, March 18 2019. The photo revealed the face of the perpetrator identified as 37-year-old Gokmen Tanis, a Turkish-born man. Gokman was suspected of being the perpetrator of the shooting which resulted in three people being killed and nine others injured. The mayor of Utrecht, Jan Van Zanen said, three people were confirmed dead, while three people were critical and six others were injured from several different locations.

Currently there is no official confirmation from the Utrech police regarding Gokman's status. Although it is clear that this Turkish man is the perpetrator of the shootings or brains of the attack, Gokman is suspected of being a gunman who carried out shootings in two different locations. The head of the Dutch Terrorism Mitigation Agency, Peter Jaap Aalbersberg, said his team would conduct an investigation as soon as possible regarding the perpetrators and motives behind this terrorist act. "Many are still unclear at the moment and the local government is working hard to establish all the facts. What we know is that the perpetrators of crime are generally," Jaap said.

For the attack, the local police carried out massive hunting. They surrounded the building which was alleged to be the hideout of the perpetrators. Along with the increase in security by the security forces, the police also reminded residents not to approach the scene of the incident or the building where the perpetrators were hiding. The police also asked residents to report to the police if they saw the perpetrators or saw things that were suspicious. The incident was the highest level of terror threat in Utrecht. The Dutch police immediately released the identity of the perpetrators of the shooting on the tram in Utrecht, on Monday local time (03/18/2019). The AFP news agency reported in its Twitter chirp, Utrecht police said the 37-year-old perpetrator named Gokmen Tanis.
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