Virginia Raggi Biography - Politician Italian

Biografia Virginia Raggi Biography - Wikipedia Politician Italian FacebookVirginia Elena Raggi (born 18 July 1978) is an Italian lawyer who is the Five Star Movement nominee for Mayor of Rome. Virginia Elena Raggi, known as Virginia Raggi (Rome, July 18, 1978) is a lawyer and politician Italian member of the Movement 5 Stars. As a lawyer is a specialist in copyright, intellectual property and new technologies.1 In 2011 he joined the Movement 5 Star and was the group of the Municipality XIV (Rome).

From 2013 to 2015 was Councillor and M5E spokesman in the city of Rome. It ceased to be the dissolution of the consistory after the corruption scandal in which he was involved the then mayor Ignazio Marino Democratic Party of Italy. Raggi in 2016 is 5 Star Movement candidate for mayor of Rome after winning the primaries in his party via internet (M5E) with 1360 votes. In April 2016 he led the sondeos.

In the municipal elections held on June 5 he obtained 35.29% of the votes against 24.80% of Roberto Giachetti, the candidate of the Democratic Party (PD) of Matteo Renzi. Raggi is married: the couple have one child, born in 2009.

Biografia Virginia Raggi Biography - Wikipedia Politician Italian FacebookVirginia Elena Raggi, conocida como Virginia Raggi, (Roma, 18 de julio de 1978), es una abogada y política italiana miembro del Movimiento 5 Estrellas. Como jurista es especialista en derechos de autor, propiedad intelectual y nuevas tecnologías.1 En 2011 se unió al Movimiento 5 Estrellas y constituyó el grupo del Municipio XIV (Roma).

De 2013 a 2015 fue Concejala y portavoz del M5E en el Ayuntamiento de Roma . Dejó de serlo al disolverse el consistorio tras el escándalo de corrupción en el que se vio implicado el entonces alcalde Ignazio Marino del Partido Demócratico de Italia. Raggi en 2016 es candidata del Movimiento 5 Estrellas a la Alcaldía de Roma tras ganar las primarias vía internet en su partido (M5E) con 1360 votos. En abril de 2016 encabezaba los sondeos.

En las elecciones municipales celebradas el día 5 de junio obtuvo el 35,29% de los votos frente al 24,80% de Roberto Giachetti, el aspirante del Partido Democrático (PD) de Matteo Renzi.

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