Em 2000, Janaína comentou em uma entrevista no Rio de Janeiro: "Cheguei onde cheguei por conta do apoio familiar que ainda é a base tudo. Aquilo que te carrega as baterias. Uma boa relação familiar te dá coragem para enfrentar a sociedade". Aos 17 anos, Janaína foi morar com sua irmã em Fortaleza, capital do Ceará. Lá, passou a trabalhar para a Caixa Econômica Federal e começou a fazer tratamento com hormônios femininos. Por causa do grande preconceito vivido, Janaína decidiu cursar direito na Universidade de Fortaleza. Em 1986, ela formou-se e tornou-se a primeira travesti a portar uma carteira profissional da Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil, apesar de seu nome de batismo ainda constar no documento.
Brazilian social activist and lawyer Janaína Dutra, a leader of the Brazilian LGBTQIA+ movement who is widely considered the nation’s first transgender person to practice law. Janaína Dutra was born on this day in 1960 in the Canindé district of Brazil’s northern Ceará state. By age 14, she began facing homophobic discrimination, but the support of her large family never faltered. She followed her sister to Fortaleza, where Dutra took her first steps toward a life devoted to advocating for the LGBTQIA+ community. In 1986, Dutra earned her law degree from the University of Fortaleza, making history as the first transgender graduate accepted as a member of the Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil (Brazilian National Bar Association).
Throughout the 1980s, Dutra furthered her career by developing Brazil’s first HIV prevention campaign that focused on the transgender community in collaboration with the Ministry of Health. Dutra also contributed to the foundation of the Grupo de Resistência Asa Branca (White Wing Resistance Group) and served as the first president of the Associação de Travestis do Ceará (ATRAC - Ceará Transvestites’ Association)—a landmark non-profit organization focused on developing social and legal support for the LGBTQIA+ community. Known to always carry a copy of an anti-homophobia law passed by her hometown, Dutra spent a lifetime attending conferences, seminars, and round tables to advocate for equality. In 2011, the Janaína Dutra LGBT Reference Center was founded in Fortaleza, which carries on Dutra’s mission by protecting human rights for members of the LGBTQIA+ community to this day.