For the fourth day in a row, thousands of protesters took to the streets in cities across the US to show their frustration with President-elect Donald Trump’s win in Tuesday’s election. The largest protests on Saturday were in Los Angeles, New York, and Chicago — cities that overwhelmingly voted for Hillary Clinton over Trump. With many people off work for the weekend, the protests grew to what may have been the largest demonstrations against Trump so far. Here’s how they unfolded:

In Los Angeles, 8,000 people marched on Saturday in the largest anti-Trump rally there so far, chanting “not my president” and “love trumps hate.” Many protesters were upset that while Trump won the election, Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton won the popular vote. Many demonstrators took issue with Trump’s racially charged rhetoric during the campaign. “I was sad the night it happened,” Jason Ramirez-Cabral told the Los Angeles Times. “Now, I’m angry.” Ramirez-Cabral came to the protest on Saturday morning after working a night shift the previous night. - Anti Trump Not My President Make America Great Again