방정환(方定煥, 1899년 11월 9일 ~ 1931년 7월 23일)은 일제 강점기의 독립운동가, 아동문화운동가, 어린이 교육인, 사회운동가이다. 본관은 온양(溫陽), 호는 소파(小波)로 일본 유학 시절에 그에게 영향을 끼친 일본의 아동 문학가인 이와야 사자나미(巌谷小波)의 이름과 같다. 이외에도 잔물, 잔물결, 물망초, 몽견초, 몽견인, 삼산인, 북극성, 쌍S, 서삼득, 목성, 은파리, CWP, 길동무, 운정, 김파영, 파영, 생이라는 이름을 필명으로 사용하였는데, 이는 일본의 언론 검열을 피하기 위한 것이었다. 1931년 7월 23일, 오랜 지병과 과로로 인한 고혈압의 합병증으로 인하여 향년 33세로 타계했다. 방정환재단 - 방정환선생님 - 어린이 방정환

Bang Jeong-Hwan, (November 9, 1899 – July 23, 1931), was a pioneer of Korean juvenile literature and a children's rights activist, who led the establishment of Children's Day in Korea. Bang Jeong-hwan was born November 9, 1899, in Seoul, Korea. Bang graduated from Posung School and studied Child Psychology and Children's Literature at Toyo College in Japan. Bang died from kidney failure on July 23, 1931. 소파 방정환 - 방정환 어린이날 - 방정환 어록

Bang Jeonghwan was the father of children’s literature in Korea. He started the children’s literary magazine Eorini, which remained in print from 1923 to 1934, and helped establish children’s literature stories, songs and plays for children as a distinct genre. Original stories, adaptations and translations Bang contributed to the magazine reveal his intimate awareness of the ways in which economic difficulties of life can affect children and corrupt their innocence; rich with lessons, these works reinforce the view that the good will ultimately triumph over evil and seek to restore the purity of childhood. 방정환 동시 - 방정환 업적

In addition to such literary endeavors, Bang Jeonghwan continually sought ways to improve children’s life both culturally and materially. He organized theater festivals and public readings as part of the larger cultural movement for children and was instrumental in instituting Children’s Day in Korea, first observed on May 1, 1922. He also started a number of organizations for children, including Cheondogyo Children’s Association (Cheondogyo sonyeonhoe) and The Rainbow Society (Saekdonghoe). Along with Kim Gijeon and Lee Jeongho, Bang Jeonghwan is considered an early champion of children’s rights in Korea. 방정환 어린이 예찬 - 방정환 어린이 잡지