Omar Mir Seddique Mateen (29), who was born in Port St. Lucie, Florida, a US citizen Afghan descent, rampage at Club Pulse, Orlanda, Florida, USA, on Sunday morning (06/12/2016) local time. Labeled the worst mass shooting in US history, killing 50 people and injuring 53 others. Orlando mayor declared the city was in a state of emergency. In addition to the fatalities, the mayor of Orlando, Buddy Dyer said 53 other people were injured in an armed attack at a nightclub, a Pulse. Buddy also says that this is the worst mass shooting in US history. Police described the incident as an act of terror.

Police said the shooting allegedly carried out by a man named Omar Mir Seddique Mateen (29). According to authorities, Mateen, who was born in the United States actually has overseen the government for some time, but do not become a target for investigation of specific cases. By Mateen shooting tragedy that occurred on Sunday morning (12/06/2016) local time was categorized as an act of terror. "We call it an incident of domestic terrorism," said Orange County Sheriff Jerry Demings.

Mateen radical understand allegedly affected, but police have not said whether he is part of a specific group or act alone. In that event, it had been a firefight between a police officer who was outside the club with Mateen. The perpetrator then went back inside the club and taken hostages at around 02.00 am. "The situation turned into peyanderaan," said Mina. Three hours later, the police SWAT team broke into the club forward in armored vehicles and rescue the hostages. Omar Mateen was killed in a shootout against the police.