Karl Landsteiner was born on June 14, 1868 in Baden bei Wien, near Vienna, Austria-Hungary. father named Leopold (1818-1875), a renowned Viennese journalist who is the editor-in-chief of Die Presse, died at the age of 56 years when Karl was 6 years old. This led to a close relationship between Landsteiner and his mother, Fanny (née Hess; 1837-1908). Landsteiner married to Helen Wlasto in 1916. Before we got married, he was the son of a former judge who is also well-known journalist. He was educated in medicine at the University of Vienna. His interest in the treatment has been felt since school. Until 1891, he published a study paper on effects of diet on the composition of the blood. To deepen his knowledge in the field of chemistry, Lansteiner continue his studies in Zurich and also in Munich for five years. Karl Landsteiner died on June 26, 1943 (age 75) in New York City after a heart attack.
Weichselbaum is a qualified teacher Landsteiner for his postdoctoral lecture in 1903. From 1908 to 1920 Landsteiner was Prosector in Wilhelminenspital in Vienna and in 1911 he was appointed professor of pathological anatomy. During that time he discovered - in cooperation with Erwin Popper - infectious character of Poliomyelitis and isolated the polio virus. In recognition of this groundbreaking discovery, which proved to be the basis for the fight against polio, he was posthumously inducted into the Hall of Fame Polio in Warm Springs, Georgia, which was dedicated in January 1958. In 1900 Karl Landsteiner discovered that blood clumping two people in contact, and in 1901 he found that this effect is caused by blood contact with blood serum. As a result he was able to identify three blood groups A, B and O, which he called C, human blood. 카를 란트슈타이너 - カール ラントシュタイナー คาร์ล แลนด์สไตเนอร์
blood classification system is based on the presence or absence aglutinogen (compound into a blood-clotting factors) rhesus in the blood. In a system of rhesus (rh) if such person has aglutinogen rhesus then that person is included in the class of rhesus positive (rh +). However, if the person does not have aglutinogen rhesus, then that person is included in the group of negative rhesus (Rh). Blood classification system is useful to assist blood transfusion. If a blood transfusion from someone with blood type rhesus positive to people who are rhesus negative blood type, there will be a stimulus for the formation of Rh antibodies. When the recipients get a blood transfusion with the group again rhesus positive, it will happen hemagglutination (blood clotting), which resulted in death.