During World War II, Shulzhenko performed about a thousand concerts for Soviet soldiers in besieged Leningrad and elsewhere. The lyrics of one of her prewar songs, The Blue Headscarf, were adapted so as to suit wartime realities. Another iconic song of the Eastern Front (World War II), Let's Smoke, was later used by Vladimir Menshov in his Oscar-winning movie Moscow Does Not Believe In Tears. On April 10, 1976, Shulzhenko performed to enraptured audience in the Column Hall of the House of Unions in what would become her most famous concert. In 1945, Shulzhenko was awarded the Order of the Red Star. She, as traditional pop singer, was named People's Artist of the USSR in 1971.
26 мая 1996 года в Харькове по адресу: пер. Байкальский, д. 1 открылся городской музей К. И. Шульженко. В экспозиции музея представлены личные вещи, концертные костюмы, документы и другие реликвии, принадлежавшие великой певице. К 100-летию Клавдии Шульженко Саратовский джаз-оркестр Ретро подготовил программу из подлинных партитур оркестров и ансамблей, с которыми выступала певица. В 2006 году эти песни вновь прозвучали на сцене Колонного зала.