Borila se protiv društvene diskriminacije, mađarizacije i germanizacije te za prava žena. Potpora u književnosti i novinarskom radu bio joj je Josip Juraj Strossmayer, koji je nagovara na pisanje romana. Pisala je romane namijenjene široj publici u kojima isprepliće ljubavne priče s elementima nacionalne povijesti. Neka su njezina prozna djela dramatizirana i ekranizirana.
The latter title is the same as that of the "textbook" published in 1488 about how to find the witches, though Zagorka's novel is a fictional tale, not a witch-hunting manual. 11 of her novels, published in Croatian, are found in the Library of Congress. She died in Zagreb at the age of 84. In a 2005 poll compiled by Vjesnik, a Zagreb daily newspaper, Zagorka came second in the list of most popular Croatian writers of all time.