Kabaret Starszych Panów – kabaret autorski dwóch twórców rozrywki telewizyjnej lat 50. i 60. XX wieku, Jeremiego Przybory i Jerzego Wasowskiego. W programach Kabaretu, nadawanych w latach 1958-1966, występowali m.in. Irena Kwiatkowska, Barbara Krafftówna, Kalina Jędrusik, Aleksandra Śląska, Krystyna Sienkiewicz, Zofia Kucówna, Wiesław Gołas, Mieczysław Czechowicz, Wiesław Michnikowski, Edward Dziewoński, Tadeusz Olsza, Czesław Roszkowski, Bohdan Łazuka, Jarema Stępowski, Zdzisław Leśniak i Bronisław Pawlik.
Today's Doodle marks the 57th Anniversary of the first episode of the polish television show, Elderly Gentleman's Cabaret or Kabaret Starszych Panów. The show premiered October 16th, 1958 and was titled "Afternoon Old Men", starring the two creators: poet Jeremi Przybora and composer Jerzy Wasowski. Elegantly dressed in now-iconic dinner jackets and top hats, the pair performed satirical musical acts that addressed major cultural changes of the 50's and 60's.
The show aired late at night, and though not many people owned TVs, it was a smashing success. Soon it was a nation-wide household name — friends and families congregated around TV sets in their neighbor's homes to watch two gentlemen cavort and sing. The legendary cabaret-style show aired during primetime on Polish public television for 8 years, and featured cameos from top Polish actors and singers. The program brought humor, wit and artistic excellence to the small screen and garnered die-hard followers for decades to come.