Надежда Петровић - Nadežda Petrović Birthday

Надежда Петровић - Nadežda Petrović BirthdayНадежда Петровић (Чачак, 12. октобар 1873 — Ваљево, 3. април 1915) била је најзначајнија српска сликарка с краја 19. и почетка 20. века. Рођена у Чачку 12. октобра 1873. године од оца Димитрија - Мите Петровића и мајке Милеве, сестричине Светозара Милетића. Њен млађи брат је књижевник Растко Петровић. Early sketches of Nadežda Petrović highlighting both her artistry and role as a Red Cross nurse.

Надежда Петровић - Nadežda Petrović BirthdayToday's doodle commemorates the 142nd birthday of Nadežda Petrović — a highly acclaimed Serbian impressionist painter. We're celebrating today, though her exact birthdate isn't completely nailed down. Many sources, including her family, agree that she was born October, 12th, 1874. But it's been estimated her birthday could be between September to November, in 1873 or 1876; her tombstone marks her birth on October 9th, 1874. Like her paintings, the details are a little fuzzy, but it's the bigger picture that makes the greatest impression.

Надежда Петровић - Nadežda Petrović BirthdayСа породицом се 1884. године преселила у Београд. Вишу женску школу завршила је у Београду 1891. године. Следеће, 1892. године, полаже испит за наставницу цртања у средњим школама и постаје ученица у атељеу Ђорђа Крстића. 1896/97. године похађа школу код Цирила Кутљика. Од 1898. године почиње школовање у Минхену у атељеу Словенца Антона Ажбеа. Petrović was born in Serbia, and her paintings are featured in her home country's most prestigious museums, such as the The Pavle Beljanski Memorial Collection. She's also featured on the Serbian 200 dinar bill. However Petrović's isn't just one of the best known and important Serbian female painters, she was also a great humanitarian.

Надежда Петровић - Nadežda Petrović BirthdayDuring the Balkan Wars she volunteered as a nurse, battling disease and suffering to save lives — even putting her own health at risk. Though she contracted both typhus and cholera, she earned a Medal for Bravery and the Order of the Red Cross, and volunteered a second time in World War I. For her immense dedication and incredible contributions to healing and the arts, we honor her today. Below, you can see how early versions of this doodle were shaped by her amazing work and life.
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